
Remedies and Nutritive Support

Plants which are featured in the main plant list with a detailed profile are listed here as the common name appears in the profile. For details see the plant profile. Other plants will also include the botanical name and state which part is used. Names of the most important plants are in bold type.

For an explanation of medicinal terms see the glossary below.

 Caution - important - please read

Read the full description of the plant in the plant list with all caution notes where applicable.

Also read the general safety notes.

These remedies are for minor ailments or injuries, or may help in a survival situation. Always consult a trained medical professional for medical advice.

Keep samples of plants consumed. In case of adverse reaction seek medical attention immediately, taking along the samples.

The information is given in good faith, but is by no means complete. Absence of information on toxicity or danger is not indicative of a plant's safety. Consumption is at the reader's own risk and discretion.

Some guidance may reduce the risk in a survival situation, but it is best to err on the safe side when medical help is available.


  • analgesic: relieves pain
  • anodyne: eases pain (milder than an analgesic)
  • anthocyanin: antioxidant, mostly in skin of dark blue fruit or red leaves; improves night vision, circulation, memory
  • anthocyanosides: antioxidant; strengthens capillaries/connective tissue; may improve night vision
  • antiaphonic: for loss of voice
  • anti-asthmatic: treats asthma
  • antibacterial: kills bacteria
  • anticancer: used in the treatment of cancer
  • anticholesterolemic: prevents build up of cholesterol
  • anticoagulant: retards or prevents blood clotting
  • anti-diarrhoea: treats diarrhoea - see also astringent
  • antidote: counters poisoning
  • antiemetic: prevents nausea and vomiting
  • anti-fertility: may help prevent pregnancy
  • anti-fungal: inhibits or destroys fungi
  • antihistamine: inhibits the effects of histamine; reduces itching and swelling
  • anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation of joints, injuries etc. (see also demulcent, emollient)
  • anti-lithic: see lithontripic
  • antimicrobial: helps the body destroy or resist pathogens (see also antibacterial and antiseptic)
  • anti-periodic: prevents the return of or recurring illnesses (e.g. Malaria)
  • antiphlogistic: see anti-inflammatory
  • antipyretic: see febrifuge
  • anti-rheumatic: treats rheumatism
  • antiscorbutic: prevents scurvy, contains Vitamin C
  • antiseptic: prevents putrefaction (applied to wounds)
  • antispasmodic: prevents or eases spasms or cramps
  • antitumor: see anticancer
  • antitussive: prevents or relieves coughing
  • antivirus, antiviral: treats viral infections
  • aperient: mild laxative
  • astringent: causes localised contraction of blood vessels and tissue, reducing the flow of blood, mucus, diarrhoea etc.
  • bitter: bitter-tasting; stimulates appetite, increases bile flow (essential for aiding the digestion of fat and neutralising stomach acid), regulates insulin and glycogen
  • cardiac: has effect on the heart
  • carminative: prevents or eases effects of flatulence
  • cathartic: strong laxative (less violent than purgative)
  • cholagogue: increases flow of bile
  • decongestant: relieves congestion (see also expectorant and antitussive)
  • demulcent: rich in mucilage, soothes or protects irritated or inflamed tissue (especially mucosa)
  • deobstruent: clears obstructions, opens natural passages of body
  • depurative: eliminates toxins and purifies the system, especially the blood
  • detergent: cleans wounds etc.; removes dead and diseased matter
  • diaphoretic: promotes perspiration, aids the skin in elimination of toxins
  • digestive: aids digestion
  • diuretic: increases secretion and elimination of urine
  • emetic: causes vomiting (mostly when taken in high doses)
  • emmenagogue: stimulates or normalises menstrual flow, in early pregnancy may induce an abortion
  • emollient: applied to the skin softens, soothes, protects (externally, as demulcents do internally)
  • expectorant: removes excess amount of mucus from respiratory system (see also decongestant)
  • febrifuge: reduces fever; use only for dangerously high temperature; a raised temperature is the body's way of burning up the pathogen
  • fumaric acid: - the ionised form is used by cells to produce energy from food. Used to treat psoriasis. Excess may cause kidney or gastrointestinal disorders, and skin flushing. Prolonged use may cause decreased count of white blood cells. Produced in human skin by exposure to sunlight. Used as mordant for dye.
  • galactagogue: stimulates the production of breast milk or increases milk flow
  • glucoquinones: reduce blood sugar levels
  • glucose-modulatory: the ability to help maintain normal blood glucose levels
  • haemostatic: controls bleeding (see astringent)
  • hepatic: acts upon the liver
  • hypnotic: induces sleep
  • hypolipidemic: decreases circulating fats in the bloodstream
  • hypotensive: reduces blood pressure
  • lactobacilli: beneficial microorganism present in the gut and vagina. May be anti-inflammatory and anticancer, especially for liver, colon, bladder, and breast cancer. May boost immune system.
  • laxative: evacuates the bowels or softens stools
  • lithontripic: helps prevent and removes stones from kidneys, bladder etc.
  • nervine: restores nerves to their natural state
  • nutritive: nourishing to the body
  • odontalgic: treats toothache (temporarily) and other problems of the teeth and gums
  • ophthalmic: treats eye complaints
  • oxytoxic/oxytocic: stimulates the contraction of the uterus aiding childbirth
  • pectoral: treats chest and lung complaints
  • purgative: produces evacuation of the bowels (more severe than aperients or laxatives)
  • quercetin: antioxidant; anti-inflammatory (inhibits the production and release of histamine); may protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • refrigerant: produces a feeling of coolness
  • resveratrol: an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral; may protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • rubefacient: applied to the skin to stimulate local irritation and dilate capillaries to increase circulation in the skin and relieve internal pains, e.g. rheumatic joints
  • rutin: antioxidant; strengthens capillaries; may protect against cancer and heart disease
  • sedative: calms the nervous system and reduces stress
  • sialagogue: stimulates secretion of saliva
  • soporific: see hypnotic
  • stimulant: enlivens physiological functions of the body, without giving a false sense of well-being
  • stomachic: treats stomach disorders
  • styptic: see astringent
  • sudorific: see diaphoretic
  • suppurative: forms or discharges pus
  • tonic: improves general health, bringing steady improvement
  • vasoconstrictor: narrows blood vessels, increasing blood pressure
  • vasodilator: widens blood vessels, reducing blood pressure
  • vermifuge: expels worms from the body (see also anthelmintic)
  • vulnerary: promotes healing of wounds (applied externally)

 General Health and Wellbeing

Tonic - Bilberry; Bramble; Bulrush; Chestnut, Sweet; Cleavers; Couchgrass; Daisy; Dandelion; Dock; Hazel; Hop; Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging; Oak; Ramson; Raspberry; Rose, Dog; Silverweed; Strawberry; Willowherb, Rosebay; Woodruff, Sweet
Stimulant - Angelica Angelica archangelica; Dandelion; Ground Ivy Glechoma hederacea (aerial parts); Horseradish Armoracia rusticana (tap root); Peppermint Mentha piperita (aerial parts); Ramson; Raspberry; Scurvy-grass; Shepherd's Purse; Yarrow


see also: Kidney, Bladder; Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen

Depurative - Blackthorn; Bramble; Burdock; Chickweed; Cleavers; Clover, Red; Couchgrass; Daisy; Dandelion; Dock; Figwort, Common Scrophularia nodosa (aerial parts); Knotweed, Japanese; Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging; Plantain; Ramson; Reed, Common; Rose, Dog; Shepherd's Purse; Sorrel; Strawberry
Diaphoretic - Ash; Birch; Blackthorn; Burdock; Cleavers; Deadnettle, Red; Elder; Hazel; Meadowsweet; Mustard, Garlic; Ramson; Woodruff, Sweet; Yarrow


Decongestant - Oak; Raspberry
Deobstruent - Plantain
Antispasmodic - see Cramps


see also: Cardiovascular System; Wounds, Burns, Ulcers

General - Dock; Nettle, Stinging


Anticholesterolemic - Ramson
also - plants containing saponins (see caution note: saponins) - Campion, Bladder Silene vulgaris (leaves, shoots); Chestnut, Horse Aesculus hippocastanum (seeds [conkers] - ripe, cooked ); Chickweed; leaves from plants of the Goosfoot Family (see caution notes about the Goosefoot family [Chenopodiaceae] ): Fat Hen Chenopodium album; Good King Henry Chenopodium bonus-henricus; Goosefoot, Red Chenopodium rubrum


see General Health and Wellbeing – Detox

Reduce Bleeding

Astringent - Ash; Bilberry; Birch; Blackthorn; Bramble; Bulrush; Chestnut, Sweet; Chickweed; Cleavers; Deadnettle, Red; Dock; Hazel; Horsetail, Field; Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging; Oak; Plantain; Ramson; Raspberry; Reed, Common; Rose, Dog; Shepherd's Purse; Silverweed; Sorrel; Strawberry; Sycamore; Willowherb, Rosebay; Wood-sorrel; Yarrow
Haemostatic - Bulrush; Horsetail, Field; Nettle, Stinging; Oak; Plantain; Shepherd's Purse; Silverweed; Yarrow

Sugar Level

Bitter - Ash; Birch; Yarrow
Glucoquinones - Bilberry; Nettle, Stinging
glucose-modulatory - Burdock; Dandelion


Anticoagulant - Bulrush; Woodruff, Sweet


see also: Gut, Bowel - Gut Flora

Anticancer - Bulrush; Cleavers; Clover, Red; Daisy; Dandelion; Knotweed, Japanese.; Shepherd's Purse
Resveratrol - Knotweed, Japanese
Rutin - Elder; Hawthorn; Hop

 Cardiovascular System

see also: Blood

General - Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging; Yarrow
Anthocyanin - Bilberry; Currant, Black; Bramble; Elder
Anthocyanosides - Bilberry; Currants, Black; Bramble; Cranberry Vaccinium oxycoccus (berries); Raspberry
Cardiac - Hawthorn; Raspberry; Woodruff, Sweet
Resveratrol - Knotweed, Japanese
Rutin - Elder; Hawthorn; Hop
Vasodilator - Bilberry; Burdock; Hawthorn; Ramson; Shepherd's Purse; Yarrow
Vasoconstrictor - Shepherd's purse


Dandelion; Hawthorn; Meadowsweet; Shepherd's Purse

High Blood Pressure

Hypotensive - Nettle, Stinging; Ramson; Shepherd's purse
Vasodilator - Bilberry; Burdock; Hawthorn; Ramson; Shepherd's Purse; Yarrow

Varicose Veins

Bilberry; Shepherd's Purse; Woodruff, Sweet




Antispasmodic - Daisy; Hawthorn; Hop; Mustard, Hedge; Ramson; Silverweed; Valerian, Common Valeriana officinalis (root); Willowherb, Rosebay; Woodruff, Sweet; Yarrow

 Digestive Tract

see also: Gut, Bowel; Liver, Gallbladder, Spleen

General - Plantain

Appetite, Digestion

Bitter - Ash; Birch; Yarrow
Sialagogue - Currants, Red
Stomachic - Blackthorn; Burdock; Dandelion; Hazel; Hop; Knotweed, Japanese; Meadowsweet; Mustard, Hedge
Digestive - Nettle, Stinging; Yarrow
Indigestion - Ramson; Silverweed


Rose, Dog


Antiemetic - Reed, Common; Meadowsweet

 Ear Ache



Ophthalmic - Chickweed; Daisy; Plantain; Raspberry; Rose
also - Elder; Plantain; Raspberry; Sycamore

Night Vision

Anthocyanin - Bilberry; Currant, Black; Bramble; Elder (berries)
Anthocyanosides - Bilberry; Currants, Black; Bramble; Cranberry Vaccinium oxycoccus

 Fever, Heat

Febrifuge - Ash; Beech; Bindweed, Hedge; Blackthorn; Cleavers; Elder; Hazel; Hop; Knotweed, Japanese; Ramson; Reed, Common; Sorrel; Wood-sorrel
Refrigerant - Bulrush; Chickweed; Currants; Plantain; Raspberry; Reed, Common

 Fungal Infections

Anti-fungal - Burdock; Nettle, Stinging

 Gut, Bowel

see also: Digestive Tract

Cleanse (scour)



Aperient - Blackthorn; Burdock; Cleavers; Couchgrass; Currant, Red; Scurvy-grass
Cathartic - Ash
Laxative - Ash; Bilberry; Birch; Blackthorn; Chickweed; Daisy; Dandelion; Dock; Knotweed, Japanese; Mustard, Hedge; Plantain; Rose, Dog; Sorrel; Strawberry; Willowherb, Rosebay
Purgative - Ash; Bindweed, Hedge; Daisy; Deadnettle, Red; Elder


Anti-diarrhoea - Hop; Nettle, Stinging
Astringent - Ash; Bilberry; Birch; Blackthorn; Bramble; Bulrush; Chestnut, Sweet; Chickweed; Cleavers; Deadnettle, Red; Dock; Hazel; Horsetail, Field; Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging; Oak; Plantain; Ramson; Raspberry; Reed, Common; Rose, Dog; Shepherd's Purse; Silverweed; Sorrel; Strawberry; Sycamore; Willowherb, Rosebay; Wood-sorrel; Yarrow


Carminative - Ash; Burdock; Chickweed; Horsetail, Field; Ramson; Rose, Dog; Yarrow

Gut Flora

Lactobacilli – in roots like Burdock, Dandelion, and probably others


Bilberry; Dock; Navelwort; Nettle, Stinging; Oak; Shepherd's Purse; Silverweed

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Willowherb, Rosebay

Worms and other Parasites

Anthelmintic - Hazel; Ramson; Sorrel; Tansy Tanacetum vulgare (aerial parts); Wormwood Artemisia absinthium
Vermifuge - Couchgrass; Hop; Mustard, Garlic; Plantain; Ramson; Rose, Dog


Aid Childbirth

Oxytoxic - Raspberry; Shepherd's Purse


Bramble; Chickweed; Dandelion; Horsetail, Field; Willowherb, Rosebay

Milk Flow

Galactagogue - Bulrush; Chickweed; Elder; Horsetail, Field; Nettle, Stinging

Prevent Pregnancy

anti-fertility - Shepherd's Purse


Clover, Red


Emmenagogue - Bulrush; Chickweed; Daisy; Nettle, Stinging; Raspberry; Shepherd's Purse; Silverweed; Wood-sorrel; Yarrow


Bulrush; Oak

 Headache, Stress

see also: Pain

General - Nettle, Stinging; Woodruff, Sweet
Nervine - Hop
Sedative - Bulrush; Clover, Red; Cowslip Primula veris (root, petals); Ground Elder; Hawthorn; Hop; Reed, Common; Silverweed; Spruce; St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum (aerial parts); Woodruff, Sweet; Valerian, Common Valeriana officinalis (root)


General - Burdock; Rose, Dog
Antibacterial - Bilberry; Burdock; Dandelions
Anti-fungal - Burdock; Nettle, Stinging
Antimicrobial - Couchgrass
Antiseptic - Beech; Bilberry; Hop; Horsetail, Field; Meadowsweet; Mustard, Garlic; Oak; Plantain; Ramson; Spruce; Yarrow
Detergent - Clover, Red

Colds, Influenza

Rose, Dog; Yarrow


see also: Infections; Rheumatic Conditions; Wounds

Anti-inflammatory - Bramble; Bulrush; Burdock; Chestnut, Sweet; Cleavers; Couchgrass; Hop; Meadowsweet; Mustard, Garlic; Nettle, Stinging; Raspberry; Silverweed; St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum (aerial parts); Willowherb, Rosebay; Woodruff, Sweet; Yarrow
Demulcent - Bindweed, Hedge; Chickweed; Couchgrass; Daisy; Plantain; Willowherb, Rosebay; Mallow, Marsh Althaea officinalis (leaves, flowers)
Emollient - Couchgrass; Daisy; Knotweed, Japanese; Willowherb, Rosebay; Chickweed; Comfrey Symphytum officinale (leaves, root); Mallow, Marsh Althaea officinalis (leaves, flowers)
Quercetin - Hawthorn
Resveratrol - Knotweed, Japanese


see also: Headache, Stress

General - Cleavers; Hawthorn; Hop; Meadowsweet; Woodruff, Sweet
Hypnotic - Hop; Valerian Valeriana officinalis (root)

 Joints, Muscles, Bones

see also: Rheumatic Conditions; Inflammations

Chestnut, Sweet; Currants, Red; Daisy; Elder; Ground Elder

 Kidney, Bladder

General - Couchgrass; Daisy; Plantain; Shepherd's Purse; Yarrow
Diuretic - Ash; Bilberry; Bindweed, Hedge; Birch; Blackthorn; Bramble; Bulrush; Burdock; Chickweed; Cleavers; Couchgrass; Dandelion; Deadnettle, Red; Elder; Ground Elder; Hawthorn; Hop; Horsetail, Field; Knotweed, Japanese; Meadowsweet; Mustard, Hedge ; Navelwort; Nettle, Stinging; Plantain; Ramson; Raspberry; Reed, Common; Rose, Dog; Scurvy-grass; Shepherd's Purse; Silverweed; Sorrel; Strawberry; Wood-sorrel; Yarrow
Lithontripic - Birch; Bulrush; Couchgrass; Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging; Parsley Piert Aphanes arvensis (aerial parts); Reed, Common


Birch; Blackthorn; Bramble; Bulrush; Cleavers; Couchgrass; Cranberry Vaccinium oxycoccus (fruit); Hop; Horsetail, Field; Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging


Horsetail, Field; Nettle, Stinging

 Liver, Gall bladder, Spleen

General - Couchgrass; Daisy; Strawberry
Bitter - Ash; Birch; Yarrow
Cholagogue - Burdock; Dandelion; Dock; Ramson; Yarrow
Hepatic - Dandelion; Cleavers; Dock; Hop; Sorrel, Common; Woodruff, Sweet; Yarrow

Liver and Spleen Inflammation


 Lymphatic System


 Memory, Concentration

see also: Cardiovascular System - vasodilator

Anthocyanin - Bilberry; Currant, Black; Bramble; Elder (berries)



see also: Pain

Odontalgic - Beech; Reed, Common; Silverweed; Goldenrod Solidago virgaurea (chew root); Yarrow


Bilberry; Daisy; Willowherb, Rosebay


Analgesic - Meadowsweet; Navelwort; Silverweed; St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum (aerial parts)
Anodyne - Daisy; Horsetail, Field; Hop; Wood-sorrel


Antidote - Reed, Common
Emetic - Elder

 Prostate Gland

Horsetail, Field; Nettle, Stinging; Willowherb, Rosebay

 Respiratory System and Voice

see also: Infections – Colds, Influenza

Pectoral - Catsear; Elder


Anti-asthmatic - Mustard, Garlic; Nettle, Stinging; Ramson; Reed, Common


Mustard, Garlic; Ramson; Reed, Common


see also: Blockages

General - Bramble; Burdock; Chestnut, Sweet; Clover, Red; Hop; Horsetail, Field
Antitussive - Beech; Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara (leaves); Daisy; Reed, Common
Demulcent - Bindweed, Hedge; Chickweed; Couchgrass; Daisy; Plantain; Willowherb, Rosebay; Mallow, Marsh Althaea officinalis (leaves, flowers)
Expectorant - Beech; Chestnut, Sweet; Chickweed; Daisy; Elder; Mustard, Hedge; Ramson; Silverweed; Spruce; Wood-sorrel; Yarrow

Throat Infections

Cleavers; Silverweed


Antiaphonic - Bramble; Horsetail, Field; Mustard, Hedge

 Rheumatic Conditions

see also: Inflammation; Kidney, Bladder; Joints, Muscles, Bones

Anti-rheumatic - Ash; Birch; Blackthorn; Chestnut, Sweet; Currant, Red; Daisy; Dandelion; Elder; Ground Elder; Hawthorn; Hop; Horsetail, Field; Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging; Strawberry
Rubefacient - Horseradish Armoracia rusticana; Nettle, Stinging; Peppermint Mentha piperita (aerial parts); Ramson;


see also: Inflammation; Wounds, Burns; Warts

General - Beech; Birch; Cleavers; Clover, Red; Dandelion; Dock; Hawthorn; Horsetail, Field; Mustard, Garlic; Nettle, Stinging; Oak; Sorrel, Common; Sycamore; Yarrow

Bites, Stings, Rashes

General - Dock; Ground Elder; Plantain
Antihistamine - Plantain
Emollient - Chickweed; Comfrey Symphytum officinale (leaves, root); Couchgrass; Daisy; Knotweed, Japanese; Willowherb, Rosebay; Mallow, Marsh Althaea officinalis (leaves, flowers)

Boils, Splinters

Bilberry; Bindweed, Hedge; Bulrush; Burdock; Couchgrass; Daisy; Hawthorn; Sorrel, Common; Spruce; Wood-sorrel


General - sunshine; Cleavers; Dock
Fumaric acid - Fumitory Fumaria officinalis; Shepherd's Purse


Antiviral - Dandelion

 Water Retention

see Kidney, Bladder – diuretic

 Wounds, Burns, Ulcers

see also: Blood - Reduce Bleeding; Infections; Inflammation; Skin

Antiseptic - Beech; Bilberry; Hop; Horsetail, Field; Meadowsweet; Mustard, Garlic; Oak; Plantain; Ramson; Spruce; Yarrow
Astringent - Ash; Bilberry; Birch; Blackthorn; Bramble; Bulrush; Chestnut, Sweet; Chickweed; Cleavers; Deadnettle, Red; Dock; Hazel; Horsetail, Field; Meadowsweet; Nettle, Stinging; Oak; Plantain; Ramson; Raspberry; Reed, Common; Rose, Dog; Shepherd's Purse; Silverweed; Sorrel; Strawberry; Sycamore; Willowherb, Rosebay; Wood-sorrel; Yarrow
Detergent - Clover, Red
Emollient - Couchgrass; Daisy; Knotweed, Japanese; Willowherb, Rosebay; Chickweed; Comfrey Symphytum officinale (leaves, root); Mallow, Marsh Althaea officinalis (leaves, flowers); Navelwort
Vulnerary - Bramble; Bulrush; Burdock; Chickweed; Cleavers; Elder; Ground Elder; Horsetail, Field; Knotweed, Japanese; Mallow, Marsh Althaea officinalis (leaves, flowers); Mustard, Garlic; Plantain; Shepherd's Purse; St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum (aerial parts); Sycamore; Yarrow


Scurvy-grass, Common; Strawberry, Wild